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Nirve Ultraliner-By Art Aguilar

Sunday, June 5, 2011


This morning’s bike commute was a cool 86 degrees. Cool you ask? Sounds warm, but compared to the hellish ride home of a scorching 106, 86 degrees isn‘t too bad.

the way home

Today I used the Nirve Ultraliner I picked up from RL the other weekend. It’s a sharp looking bike with brushed aluminum finish and a rocking 3 speed automatic shifter. I was surprised to see how well this bike rode. It actually shifted on the precise moment I needed it to shift gears. Don’t ask me how it does, because it blows my mind too.

Nirve Ultraliner

I’ve only got a short 4 mile one way commute but it’s pretty hilly the whole way. And having the automatic shifter is such a blessing. You don’t have to worry about when to shift or which gear to use. The Ultraliner does it all for you.


One major difference of riding this bike compared to the other bikes I’ve ridden is you’re not hunched over to reach the handle bars. This is definitely a plus for me. Riding on any other bike usually gives me back pains after prolonged rides. But I did not experience that with the Ultraliner.

I plan on commuting with the Nirve Ultraliner for the next couple of weeks to give a more thorough review.


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